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Sneak Peek Excerpt from New Novel out July 22!

So, I am immersed in the proof read of the new book now - out July 22. The copy edit is fun. Kind of. You can still tweak and improve, hone your writing, find a fatal flaw and correct it - but the bulk of the work, the hard part, is done. It feels rewarding. The proof read... er... not so much! That's just plain tedious. It seems no matter how thoroughly a professional reader combs the manuscript - and no matter how thoroughly the writer then combs it too, those darned mistakes can still slip through the net. As the author, you still find yourself reading it for story, for flow, so it's hard to put a proofreader's hat on! BUT I keep my eye on calendar. July 22 and this one will be out!

Cover and title reveal coming later in April folks. Stay tuned.


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